Saffron is known as Zafaran or Kesar. The thread like part of Zafraan flower is used for many health and medicinal purposes. Zafraan is one of the most expensive spices in the world as maximum of its processing work is done through hand. Zafraan is used in many culinary recipes worldwide due to its unique flavor.The most sought after herbal product is used in diseases like asthma, cough & cold, stomach ailments, insomnia, uterine bleeding, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, infertility, depression, cholesterol, flatulence, etc. Saffron is widely grown in Iran, Turkey, Greece, France, Italy and Jammu & Kashmir of India. Benefits: – The mix of saffron, milk and licorice when applied over the scalp is good in prevention of hair loss and hair growth – Good for radiant and glowing skin – Potassium in saffron is good in controlling heart beat by allowing to slow down thus protect the heart – It contains bio-chemical compounds such as zea-xanthin, lycopene, a- and ß- carotene; all these are acts like as immune modulator and protect the human body from cancer – Effective in controlling depression and acts like as anticonvulsant – Good for digestion and cellular functioning – Since the ancient times, saffron is used on the forehead because of its neurological benefits